25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Professional Development Event
Survey Says These Skills Are Missing in Today's Workforce: A Workshop on Essential Career Skills Part A
30 January 2023 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST | Room 2000 (Level 2 West) 
“I am definitely going to take a course on time management… just as soon as I can fit it into my schedule.” - Louis E. Boone. A 2022 SPIE survey of top optics and photonics companies reported that certain professional soft skills are severely lacking in their employees, job candidates and new hires. Time and project management, ownership of projects, and leadership skills have been left neglected in many of today’s new hires, and even those who have been with the company for a long time! Position yourself for success in your career by coming to this workshop. Attend Part A and B as a track or individually as your schedule allows.

Learning Outcomes:
This workshop will address:
• Time management: making the highest and best use of your time
• Leadership: a good leader doesn’t have all the answers, they have the right questions
• Project management and ownership: keeping balance in the “magic triangle” – scope, schedule, budget

Intended Audience
This workshop is open to all, but may be found especially valuable for students and early career professionals.


Suzie Smyth is an agent of change, strategy executive, and world-class problem solver. As the President and CEO of Endless Possibilities, LLC, Suzie helps individuals and businesses identify and solve the challenges that forward-leaning individuals and organizations face at the precipice of a transition.