SPIE Officers and Directors

SPIE is an international organization incorporated as a not-for-profit United States corporation. The Membership operates the Society through an elected Board of Directors, who establish various standing and ad hoc committees to conduct activities of interest to the Membership.

The Board and its Executive Committee also establish policy and strategy, assure that the Society bylaws are followed in the conduct of Society business, and approve the budgets for expenditure of Society resources.

The collective talents of our Members make the Society a powerful force in the scientific community. Shaping the direction of that force are the members of the SPIE Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and standing committees.

SPIE Officers, Board Members and committee chairs can be contacted by emailing governance@spie.org.

Previous Society Officers and Directors can be viewed here

SPIE Officers 2024

Jennifer Barton

The Univ. of Arizona


Bernard Kress


Immediate Past President

Peter de Groot

Zygo Corporation


Julie Bentley

The Institute of Optics, Univ. of Rochester

Vice President

Jim McNally

StratTHNK Associates LLC


SPIE Board of Directors 2024

Samuel Achilefu

The Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr. at Dallas

Director 2024-2026

Allison Barto

BAE Systems, Inc.

Director 2022-2024

Scott Bass

Edmund Optics Inc.

Board Advisor; Chair, Corporate and Exhibitor Committee

Audrey Bowden

Vanderbilt Univ.

Director 2022-2024

Jessica DeGroote Nelson

Edmund Optics Inc.

Director 2023-2025

Rebecca Fahrig

Siemens Healthineers

Director 2022-2024

Donis Flagello

Nikon Research Corp. of America

Board Advisor; Chair, Symposia Committee

Maryellen Giger

The Univ. of Chicago

Board Advisor; Chair, Membership and Communities Committee

Keisuke Goda

The Univ. of Tokyo

Director 2024-2026

David Hagan

CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of Central Florida

Director 2023-2025

Agnes Hübscher

Edmund Optics GmbH

Director 2024-2026

Daewook Kim

The Univ. of Arizona

Director 2024-2026

Gong-Ru Lin

National Taiwan Univ.

Director 2022-2024

Paul Montgomery

Lab. des sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie

Director 2023-2025

Miles Padgett

Univ. of Glasgow

Director 2023-2025

William Roach

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Director 2022-2024

Cather Simpson

The Univ. of Auckland

Board Advisor; Chair, Publications Committee

Michelle Stock


Director 2024-2026

Laura Waller

Univ. of California, Berkeley

Director 2023-2025