23 - 27 February 2025
San Jose, California, US
Plenary Event
Welcome, Awards, and Monday Plenary
26 February 2024 • 8:00 AM - 9:10 AM PST | Convention Center, Ballroom 220A 

This session cosponsored by:

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM:
Welcome and opening remarks
Qinghuang Lin, Linktech, Inc. (United States); John C. Robinson, KLA Corp. (United States)


8:10 AM - 8:20 AM:
Introduction of new SPIE Fellows
Each year, SPIE promotes Members as new Fellows of the Society. They are honored for their technical achievement and for their service to the general optics community and to SPIE in particular. Join us as we welcome members of the advanced lithography community who have been selected this year as new SPIE Fellows.


8:20 AM - 8:25 AM:
2023 SPIE Frits Zernike Award for Microlithography
Presented in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in microlithographic technology, especially those furthering the development of semiconductor lithographic imaging solutions.


8:25 AM - 8:30 AM:
Presentation of the Nick Cobb Memorial Scholarship
The Nick Cobb Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate student studying advanced lithography or a related field. The scholarship is jointly funded by Siemens EDA and SPIE.


8:30 AM - 9:10 AM:
SRC's Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) roadmap: an era of innovation driven by energy, workforce, and environmental sustainability

Todd Younkin, Semiconductor Research Corporation (United States)

Semiconductors have spurred the greatest period of technological advancement in human history, transforming every aspect of our lives. As a result, information and communication technologies (ICT) are seeing "super-exponential growth." But, starting in late 2020, SRC highlighted that the demands for ICT are encroaching on global energy production levels. Even with all of the improvements that 2D-scaling and Moore's law have afforded semiconductors, an insatiable global appetite for ICT is yielding energy consumption levels that are the new headwind for its continued advancement. We must invest in and deliver new paradigms at scale with a radically improved (106:1) energy efficiency. This unprecedented production also meets a time where global sustainability has never been more important. As an R&D community, we have an obligation to ensure that the growth in chip manufacturing and packaged chip volumes is as environmentally benign as possible and does not stress our already taxed planet. And, most importantly, our industry faces a workforce shortage where the next generation of innovators demands that their efforts positively contribute to a better future, for both society and the environment. In response to these critical factors, SRC, in partnership with NIST, worked with 298 individuals representing 112 industrial, academic, and government organizations to create and publish the Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) Roadmap. It is a plan to revitalize the semiconductor industry for decades to meet the market, workforce, and sustainability needs of our collective future.

Todd Younkin is the President and CEO of SRC, where he leads a ~$100M/yr. global research agenda supported by ~3k academic and industrial researchers, 26 international companies, and 2 U.S. government agencies (DARPA and NSF). Following his appointment in 2020, SRC released its 2030 Decadal Plan for Semiconductors, identifying the five "seismic shifts" shaping the future of information and communication technologies (ICT). Working closely with SIA, SRC called for greatly increased federal investments throughout the decade which helped pass the Chips and Science Act of 2022. On October 19th, 2023, SRC expanded upon its vision, with the release of its highly acclaimed Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) Roadmap. Todd’s excited by the renewed call for investments in technology, education and workforce, and an the need for environmental sustainability. Only by investing in a bright, collective future, will we rise to meet the opportunities presented by the next industrial revolution based on semiconductor technologies.