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25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Industry Event
Quantum West: Funding Commercial Advances in Quantum Technologies
1 February 2023 • 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM PST | Moscone Center, Quantum Stage, Hall A Lobby (Exhibit Level South) 

9:00 - 9:10 AM:
Introductory remarks

Anke Lohmann
Anke Lohmann
Founder and Director
Anchored In Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Anke Lohmann, co-founder of Anchored In. Anke has been involved in the UK quantum technologies programme since its beginning in 2014, bringing in early industrial adopters. She works with UK policymakers on Quantum Technologies sector reviews and strategy advice and with universities on industry engagement and research translation.

9:10 - 9:30 AM:
The quantum summer of 2022: success stories from the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Programme

Roger McKinlay
Roger McKinlay
Challenge Director
UK Research and Innovation (United Kingdom)
Since 2014 the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme has a adopted a twin-track approach to investing: funding universities to work with companies and companies to work with research organizations. After eight years these projects - together with the establishment of a strong ecosystem including the four QT Hubs – are starting to yield fruit.

Roger McKinlay leads the Quantum Technologies Challenge in UK Research and Innovation. The Challenge funds industry-led collaborative projects and has put £174M of grant funding into 139 projects involving 141 companies since 2018. Roger is also the Deputy Chair of the Programme Board for the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme. The cross-government programme was launched in 2014 and is on track to invest £1B investment over a ten-year period. Roger is a Chartered Engineer and a past president of the Royal Institute of Navigation. He joined UKRI following a career in the defence and aerospace industries.

9:30 - 9:50 AM:
Quo Vadis Europe?

Robert Harrison
Robert Harrison
Sonnenberg Harrison (United Kingdom)
What's the European plan for developing and funding the quantum industry? The European Union through its funding agencies and development bank has promised several billions in addition to the national funding programmes. Public procurement, such as the German Aerospace Centre’s recent calls for proposals for the development of quantum computers, are also providing funding for both established companies and innovative startups to develop quantum computers. We'll also be looking at the opportunities for participation by companies headquartered outside of Europe.

Robert Harrison is a partner in the Munich and Paris-based intellectual property and technology law firm of Sonnenberg Harrison. He has a Ph.D. in semiconductor laser technologies from Sheffield University in the UK in addition to his legal qualifications. Rob serves on the board of the European Quantum Industry Consortium as well as leading their work group on funding and SMEs.

9:50 - 10:10 AM:
Quantum technology research across the Air Force Research Laboratory

Michael Fanto
Michael Fanto
Senior Research Physicist, Quantum Technologies Branch
USAF/Air Force Research Lab. (United States)
The Air Force Research Laboratory focuses both on foundational/exploratory research and "real world" testing outside the lab. Foundational research includes quantum sensors, clocks, entanglement distribution in multi-node networks, efforts in both homogenous and heterogeneous networks, and quantum algorithm development to inform quantum network software layer. Outside testing involves reducing size, weight, and power to operate on airborne platforms and pursuing operating a quantum system on an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). This talk will give an overview of these research areas across AFRL.

Michael Fanto is a Senior Research Physicist with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Information Directorate in the Quantum Technologies Branch located in Rome, New York. He is the experimental lead for the quantum information processing group where he conducts research on quantum integrated photonics, heterogeneous qubit integration, entanglement distribution, quantum networking, and quantum information processing. He completed his BS degree in Physics from Utica College in 2002, and his Ph.D. in Microsystems Engineering focused on ultrawide-bandgap quantum integrated photonics from Rochester Institute of Technology.

10:10 - 10:45 AM:
Panel Discussion on Funding Commercial Advances in Quantum Technologies


Anke Lohmann
Founder and Director
Anchored In Ltd. (United Kingdom)


Roger McKinlay
Challenge Director
UK Research and Innovation (United Kingdom)

Robert Harrison
Sonnenberg Harrison (United Kingdom)

Michael Fanto
Senior Research Physicist, Quantum Technologies Branch
USAF/Air Force Research Lab. (United States)