29 September - 3 October 2024
Monterey, California, US

Information for authors and presenters

Information for authors, chairs, and committees: instructions, deadlines, and tips

We hope to see you in 2024

Find links to presenter instructions, important dates, and other information for a successful abstract submission and presentation at SPIE Photomask Technology + EUV Lithography.

Benefits of presenting and publishing your work with SPIE

Here's why publishing with SPIE puts a spotlight on your work:

  • The event will bring you international visibility
  • Your research becomes a part of the world's permanent scientific record
  • Your work will be indexed in all relevant scientific databases*

Make sure that your research gets timely publication in the SPIE Digital Library.

*SPIE partners with relevant scientific databases to ensure visibility for your research, including Astrophysical Data System (ADS), Ei Compendex, CrossRef, Google Scholar, Inspec, Scopus, and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Preparing for your participation


Find tips and tricks for promoting your presentation to your networks via social media and email.

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