2025 Call for Papers is open
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13 - 17 April 2025
Orlando, Florida, US
Industry Event
Keynote: Opportunities for Innovative Sensing and Imaging Technologies at ARPA-E
23 April 2024 • 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM EDT | Prince George Exhibition Hall, Industry Stage 
ARPA-E has a broad research space that involves decreasing emissions and exports, while improving efficiency, nuclear waste management, and grid resiliency. Courtesy this mission breadth, several broader programs and individual projects have leveraged innovations in the sensing and imaging technology space. This talk will focus on recent successes and potential areas of opportunity with respect to sensing and imaging technologies.


Jenifer Shafer
Jenifer Shafer
Associate Director of Technology and Program Director
ARPA-E (United States)
Jenifer Shafer is the Associate Director of Technology and Program Director at ARPA-E. In this role, Dr. Shafer oversees all technology issues relating to ARPA-E’s programs, program development, and coordinating project management across the Agency. As an ARPA-E Program Director, her focus at ARPA-E includes advanced nuclear energy, nuclear waste, and low-emission industrial processes. Prior to joining ARPA-E, she was a Professor at Colorado School of Mines, where she published nearly 90 technical manuscripts and has been the recipient of several awards, including Fellow of the American Chemical Society.


Event Details

FORMAT: Oral presentation followed by audience Q&A.
MENU: Coffee and tea service available nearby.
SETUP: Stage and theater style seating.
