7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Conference 13004 > Paper 13004-60
Paper 13004-60

Spatio-temporal characterization of ultrashort light pulses with structured illumination and compressing sensing

On demand | Presented live 9 April 2024


This study presents an innovative method to perform spatiotemporal characterization of ultrashort pulses. It combines compressive sensing structured illumination with spatial light modulators for spatial characterization and fringe-resolved autocorrelation for point-to-point temporal characterization. The approach incorporates intelligent sampling using the reduced Scramble-Hadamard basis, making a generalization of single pixel images for coding of the ultrashort pulse characterization and advanced computational imaging techniques involving specialized reconstruction algorithms such as Nesta using the TV standard to fully collect the initial structure, demonstrating that it is possible to realize the measurement in a shorter time.


Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
I have graduated with a degree in physics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Later, I pursued a master's degree at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology within the same university. During these educational stages, I focused on modeling, designing, constructing, and characterizing pulsed doped fiber lasers. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Jaime I, where I am furthering my research in characterizing ultrafast pulsed beams using computational methods and advanced light sampling techniques.
Application tracks: EU-funded Research
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Pedro J. Clemente-Pesudo
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Gladys Mínguez-Vega
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)
Armin J. M. Lenz
Univ. Jaume I (Spain)