7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Conference 12999 > Paper 12999-91
Paper 12999-91

Investigation in determining fluctuations that could demonstrate the possible presence of particles interacting with photons

On demand | Presented live 10 April 2024


Here we investigate the improvement of the precision of measurement means to determine if it is possible to have sufficient sensitivity for detecting effects of elementary particles which would be characteristic of dark matter. A particle has been proposed and is called axion. There would be an interaction between the axions and the photons using the Primakoff effect under strong magnetic field. Radio frequencies in the range of 460 – 810 MHz could be assumed to be enough suitable for the mass of the axion, in case it could exist. It is then interesting to focus on the piezoaxionic effect. If the frequency of the axions could match the natural frequency of a normal mode bulk acoustic of a piezoelectric crystal, one would expect the piezoaxionic effect to occur. One could then rely on the piezoelectric effect to observe the variations on the resonant frequency which can be read out electrically using the best piezoelectric materials such as quartz. Through this example of development and applications in detection, we propose to decrypt this subject and to show how multidisciplinary skills are necessary to hope that small fluctuations can be detectable.


FEMTO-ST (France)
Dr Patrice Salzenstein obtained his PhD Doctorate in Electronics at the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, 1996. Between 1996 and 2001 he worked successively at Thomson CSF LCR (now Thales-TRT), Alcatel Alsthom Recherche and LCIE research laboratories. He has been working since 2001 at FEMTO-ST institute in Besancon for CNRS, a government-funded research organization under administrative authority of France's Ministry of research. He managed a calibration laboratory on phase noise and short term stability of frequency between 2002 and the beginning of 2012. Between 2010 and recently, his fields of interest in research were for optoelectronic resonators and oscillators for microwaves photonics applications. He is now on Brillouin light scattering and instrumentation with the Micro nano Science & Systems department of FEMTO-ST. He has published over 110 papers in various international peer review journals and international conferences.
FEMTO-ST (France)
Mahmoud Addouche
Oscilloquartz, Adtron company (Switzerland)