7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Conference 13004 > Paper 13004-55
Paper 13004-55

Bursting oscillations in Colpitts oscillator and application in optoelectronics for the generation of complex optical signals

9 April 2024 • 18:10 - 20:00 CEST | Galerie Schweitezer, Niveau/Level 0


We are exploring an optoelectronic oscillator featuring a Colpitts oscillator in its electrical path. The Colpitts oscillator generates high-frequency electrical signals and exhibits dynamical behaviors such as periodic and bursting oscillations which can be easily monitored using a potentiometer. Inserting the Colpitts oscillator in the optoelectronic oscillator, we put forward the interaction between optical nonlinearity and electronic nonlinearity to obtain complex dynamical behaviors. The temporal dynamics of the system with and without delayed feedback are investigated experimentally. It is shown that a wide variety of periodic and chaotic states can be excited and that there is an amplification of the signal frequencies. In particular, bursting, chaotic bursting, and chaotic pulse-package oscillations with slow-fast temporal dynamics are experimentally observed in the system.


Univ. de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)
MBOYO, an academic who earned his Bachelor's degree in Fundamental Physics in 2015 and embarked on a master's program specializing in General Mechanics and Complex Systems at the University of Yaoundé 1. He presented a master thesis on analog simulation of the Colpitts oscillator for an optoelectronic oscillator modulation in 2017. Since 2018, he has been pursuing a research doctorate focusing on optoelectronic oscillators, electronics, optics, photonics, lasers, and nonlinear systems. With two publications in peer-reviewed journals, he showcases his dedication to science. Mboyo's leadership as the President of the IEEE Student Chapter in Cameroon and his active involvement in the SPIE and OSA Student Chapters of the University of Yaoundé 1 underline his commitment to optics and photonics. Mboyo actively participates in the Cameroon Physical Society (CPS) Conference, presenting research in nonlinear optics.
Application tracks: AI/ML
Univ. de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)
Univ. de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)
Univ. de Dschang (Cameroon)