Take this opportunity to share your research at SPIE Digital Optical Technologies, a conference dedicated to emerging digital trends and perspectives in optics. Come to Munich to meet with users and researchers to discuss the latest developments in the field of digital optics.
The symposium will highlight all digital aspects from design, fabrication, to integration in systems and final functionality around the following topics:
These are emerging today as very hot topics in academia, research institutions and industry, as well as in the venture capital community. Researchers, engineers, managers, industry leaders as well as market analysts are welcome to share their knowledge and experience, and be part of the ongoing digital optics revolution.
Learn about recent advances in using digital technologies to enhance the performance of optical imaging and display. Find out about new approaches that push digital principles at the macro-, micro- and nanoscales to the forefront of optics. Exchange new ideas, address your shared concerns, and get access to information not yet published in the mentioned topical areas.
We invite you to join your colleagues and share the most recent developments and applications at SPIE Digital Optical Technologies.
Bernard C. Kress
Google (United States)
Jürgen Czarske
TU Dresden (Germany)