25 - 29 June 2023
Munich, Germany

Instructions: author, presenter, chair

On this page find links to instructions, important dates, and other information for a presenters and chairs.

Presenter at SPIE Digital Optical Technologies

Why present and publish your work as part of SPIE Digital Optical Technologies?

Here's how submitting an abstract puts a spotlight on your work:

  • Your participation in the conference gains you international visibility
  • Your research becomes a part of the world's permanent scientific record
  • Your work will be indexed in all relevant scientific databases*

Make sure that your research gets timely publication in the SPIE Digital Library. Authors will also be published in Optica's Digital Library.

*SPIE partners with relevant scientific databases to ensure visibility for your research, including Astrophysical Data System (ADS), Ei Compendex, CrossRef, Google Scholar, Inspec, Scopus, and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Important dates

Abstract due date extended to 22 March 2023
Authors notified 12 April 2023
Submission system opens for manuscripts and PDFs 24 April 2023
Registration opens April 2023
Manuscripts due 7 June 2023

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Information for chairs and committee members

Steps to run a successful conference

Find full instructions, timelines, and information for chairs at Digital Optical Technologies.