30 - 31 October 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom

Industry programme invited speakers

Enjoy two days of powerful presentations on the latest breakthroughs and challenges facing the industry. Don't miss this unique programme hosted at the SEC in Glasgow.
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Invited speakers for the Industry programme

Wednesday 25 October

Photonics and Government Initiatives: Policies, Collaborations, and Impact
Simon Andrews, Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd. (United Kingdom)
John Lincoln, Photonics Leadership Group (United Kingdom)
Alison McLeod, Photonics Scotland (United Kingdom)
Chris A. Jones, Innovate UK KTN (United Kingdom)
Najwa Sidqi, Innovate UK KTN (United Kingdom)
Iain Mauchline, Innovate UK KTN (United Kingdom)

Quantum Devices and Applications
Najwa Sidqi, Innovate UK KTN (United Kingdom)
Lia Li, Zero Point Motion (United Kingdom)
Jamie Vovrosh, Qinetiq (United Kingdom)
Mohsin Haji, National Physical Lab. (United Kingdom)
Henk Snidjers, QuiX Quantum (United Kingdom)
Jacob Bulmer, PsiQuantum (United Kingdom)
Matt Anderson, Wave Photonics (United Kingdom)
Loyd McKnight, Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics CAP (United Kingdom)
Maria Maragkou, Riverlane (United Kingdom)
Jasminder Sidhu, Quantum Communications Hub and Univ. of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)

Thursday 26 October

Advances in Photonics and Nanofabrication: Materials, Devices, and Applications
Alison McLeod, Photonics Scotland (United Kingdom)
Gordon Mills, Kelvin Nanotechnology (United Kingdom)
Jonathan Silver, National Physical Lab. (United Kingdom)
Mike Street, Chartered (United Kingdom) and European Patent Attorney
   for Marks & Clerk LLP (United Kingdom)