27 - 29 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

Information for authors and presenters

Instructions, important dates, and tips to prepare your work

Prepare to present

On this page find links to instructions, important dates, and other information for a successful week for presenters.

Student Members may qualify for SPIE conference support

SPIE offers supplemental travel grants (airfare/lodging) and fee waivers to SPIE Student Members including student authors, Student Chapter Members, and student attendees who are planning to present or attend an SPIE meeting. SPIE Student Members who are presenting authors will be given priority selection, but all Student Members are encouraged to apply.

Important dates

Abstracts due 17 July 2024
Registration opens October 2024
Authors notified and program posts online 7 October 2024
Submission system opens for manuscripts and poster PDFs* 25 November 2024
Poster PDFs due for spie.org preview and publication 3 January 2025
Manuscripts due 8 January 2025
Advance upload deadline for oral presentation slides** 24 January 2025

*Contact author or speaker must register prior to uploading
**After this date slides must be uploaded onsite at Speaker Check-in

Present and publish your work as part of SPIE AR | VR | MR

Here's why publishing with SPIE AR | VR | MR puts a spotlight on your work:

  • the event will bring you international visibility
  • your research becomes a part of the world's permanent scientific record
  • your work will be indexed in all relevant scientific databases*

Make sure that your research gets timely publication in the SPIE Digital Library.

*SPIE partners with relevant scientific databases to ensure visibility for your research, including Astrophysical Data System (ADS), Ei Compendex, CrossRef, Google Scholar, Inspec, Scopus, and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Prepare to share your work


Find tips and tricks for promoting your presentation to your networks via social media and email.

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