Meet with the biggest names in consumer electronics and up-and-coming XR companies. You will have the opportunity to check out the latest in AR-VR-MR hardware and systems, talk about the next research developments, and connect with colleagues.
The Moscone Center, West | |
Tuesday, 28 January | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Wednesday, 29 January | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
• | The latest AR VR headset technologies |
• | Optical design, micro-optics, optical engineering |
• | Sensing technologies |
• | Display technologies |
• | Materials engineering |
• | Diffractive holography |
• | Nano-photonics and more |
Your SPIE AR | VR | MR registration includes access to the Photonics West Exhibiton (28-30 January), BiOS Expo (25-26 January), and Quantum West Expo (28-29 January), co-located at Moscone Center.
AR, VR, and MR technologies are more important than ever. They assist in virtual person-to-person communication, training, sharing of information, and more. The next steps are to make XR hardware safer, better, more comfortable, and more readily available. We can help your company advance within the industry.