Monday Plenary:
Don't miss it
16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13093 > Paper 13093-272
Paper 13093-272

Understanding the manufacturing challenge for modern X-ray missions

19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F


Contemporary x-ray missions frequently require large numbers of mirror or grating elements to make the observations necessary for their science. The parts must be produced under the various cost, schedule, and risk constraints of the programmatic opportunity. We will report on a generalization of the factory set-up problem and integrate that into a plan for advancing manufacturing readiness level. The paper will conclude with a discussion of how the manufacturing model can be used to design and manage to cost.


Northrop Grumman Corp. (United States)
Jonathan Arenberg is Chief Mission Architect for Science and Robotic Missions at Northrop Grumman. Dr. Arenberg has contributed to the Chandra X-ray Observatory, Starshade, James Webb Space Telescope. Over his tenure on the James Webb Space Telescope, he held many positions, ultimately, Chief Engineer. Subsequently, he lead Northrop’s participation of future missions for the Astrophysics 2020 decadal study and technologies for future observatories. He has authored of over 200 conference presentations, papers, a recent book, awarded 15 European and U.S. Patents and is an SPIE Fellow.
Northrop Grumman Corp. (United States)