18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13132 > Paper 13132-17
Paper 13132-17

Outdoor characterization of a tracking-integrated, semi-transparent, high efficiency CPV technology for agro-voltaic applications

19 August 2024 • 9:20 AM - 9:40 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 18


This research fully characterized a semi-transparent CPV module with microtracking optically, thermally, and electrically under the harsh, semi-arid climate of Abu Dhabi, UAE which included the design and construction of a test-rig. The peak electrical efficiency recorded is 26.13% coupled with a transmittance ratio of 26% that predominantly depends on the diffuse irradiance across the day rather than variations in the incidence angle. In situations prioritizing light transmittance over electrical output, utilizing the maximum light transmission mode, transmittance efficiency reaches a maximum of 71.61% which corresponds to a daily maximum of 1.8379×109 lumens/m2 and 29.69 PAR/m2 making it suitable for moderate daylighting applications and crops requiring high light intensity. On the thermal front, the temperature within the test-rig compartment surpasses the ambient temperature by a range of 10-15°C, with the disparity between the ambient environment and the solar cells being 27.3°C. Soiling characteristics and their effect on performance are also highlighted. A semi-empirical model was developed to evaluate the performance of the technology and for economic analysis.


Kareem F. Younes
Khalifa Univ. (United Arab Emirates)
Application tracks: Sustainability
Kareem F. Younes
Khalifa Univ. (United Arab Emirates)
Matteo Chiesa
Khalifa Univ. (United Arab Emirates)