18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13115 > Paper 13115-11
Paper 13115-11

Enhancing UV-active chiral nanostructures with inverse topology design (Invited Paper)

18 August 2024 • 4:10 PM - 4:40 PM PDT


Nanophotonic structures are crucial for controlling light at scales smaller than its wavelength. While designing for linear polarization is straightforward, creating nanostructures for helically structured light, like circularly polarized light and optical vortices, is challenging due to complex near-field chiral interactions with matters in helical electromagnetic fields. In this presentation, we apply topology optimization, an intelligent design approach, to create 3D nanogap antenna structures with outstanding chiroptical functionalities. With these structures, we demonstrate giant chiral dissymmetry (up to g = 1.70), polarization conversion around the Poincaré sphere, and circularly polarized far-field emission from a linear dipole embedded within the gap. Additionally, our in-depth analysis reveals a physical connection between the flow of spin angular momentum of light within the nanostructure and the local density of optical chirality. The insight, combined with our developed structures, offers a fresh perspective for engineering chiral nanophotonic structures and finds applications in circular dichroism spectroscopy in UV.


Hokkaido Univ. (Japan)
Atsushi Taguchi is an associate professor at Hokkaido University, specializing in nano-imaging and spectroscopy, nano-fabrication, plasmonics, metamaterials, and various aspects of nanophotonics technologies, ranging from fundamental research to practical applications.
Hokkaido Univ. (Japan)