18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13128 > Paper 13128-10
Paper 13128-10

Cost-effective and practical optical experiments for high school and lower college division students

21 August 2024 • 1:45 PM - 2:05 PM PDT


I am describing a set of inexpensive optical experiments that can be implemented using everyday commercial components. The cost of each experiment ranges from $1 - $20 per student station. Each of the experiments can be easily analyzed using High School level mathematics. In past the examples of such experiments resulted in student’s papers being published in peer-reviewed journals [1], [2], References 1. Yasuda,et al. "Specular reflection from rough surfaces revisited." The Physics Teacher 54, no. 7 (2016): 394-396. 2. Dieguez et al. "Wave Reflections in a Circular Ripple Tank." The Physics Teacher 59, no. 7 (2021): 556-559.


Optoprofiler LLC (United States)
Wojtek Walecki received his Ph.D. in Physics and his Master's in Engineering from Brown University in 1994 and 1992 respectively, and a Masters in Physics from Warsaw University in 1988. He did his postdoctoral research at Cornell University. His academic interests were focused on ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductors and semiconducting devices from UV to THz spectral range. Later Wojtek worked as Semiconductor Diagnostics Program Manager, Product Manager, Worldwide Product Manager, and Division Manager in several companies including ThermoOriel, Lambda Physik, Frontier Semiconductor, and until the fall of 2016, Sunrise Optical LLC. In August 2016, Wojtek returned to Frontier Semiconductor, this time as Chief Technology Officer. Later he left Frontier Semiconductors and created Optoprofiler LLC He is the author of about 80 publications, and 26 granted US Patents.
Optoprofiler LLC (United States)