18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13132 > Paper 13132-37
Paper 13132-37

Closed-loop control of heliostats with detailed radiant-footprint optimization

20 August 2024 • 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 18


Retroreflectors ('retros') in front of the receiver provide feedback from multiple locations of each heliostat's radiant footprint thereon, simultaneously for all of them. The retros and their mounts are made of quartz glass to allow placement in the 'hot zone'. To discriminate samples of light returned by multiple retros from each other and from the brightly lit receiver, the retro reflectivities are modulated at unique frequencies by spinning them. The presentation will show component and system test results.


Heliosync OÜ (Estonia), Quantum Optics Applied Research (United States)
1989 diploma in physics, University of Munich, Germany 1995 Dr.rer.nat. (physics), University of Munich, Germany thesis on phase-transition kinetics at a Cu3Au surface 1995 - 2000 postdoc at G+erman research center DESY (Hamburg) research topics: x-ray holography and x-ray quantum optics 2000-2002 visiting scientist at Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, Lemont, IL, USA research topic: x-ray quantum optics 2002-2015 staff scientist at Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, Lemont, IL, USA synchrotron-beamline scientist with focus on x-ray streak camera and reasearch in x-ray quantum optics 2015-2019 senior research scientist with Incom, Inc, Charlton, MA work on the Large-Area Picosecond Photodet4ector (LAPPD) 2020-present owner/operator of Quantum Optics Applied Research, Naperville, IL, USA, since 2021 also in Waldbronn, Germany 2024 partner in Heliosync OÜ
Application tracks: Sustainability
Heliosync OÜ (Estonia), Quantum Optics Applied Research (United States)