Proceedings Volume 7980

Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems 2011

Proceedings Volume 7980

Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems 2011

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Volume Details

Date Published: 29 March 2011
Contents: 13 Sessions, 31 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2011
Volume Number: 7980

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Front Matter: Volume 7980
  • Keynote Presentations
  • Nanowire, Nanotube, and Nanostructures I
  • Nanowire, Nanotube, and Nanostructures II
  • Nano Devices and Sensors I
  • Nano Devices and Sensors II
  • Smart Electronics
  • Wireless Sensor System
  • Fabrication and Characterization I
  • Fabrication and Characterization II
  • Applications I
  • Applications II
  • Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 7980
Front Matter: Volume 7980
This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 7980, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, and the Conference Committee listing.
Keynote Presentations
Nanotechnology research and development for military and industrial applications
Researchers at the Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) have initiated multidiscipline efforts to develop nano-based structures and components for insertion into advanced missile, aviation, and autonomous air and ground systems. The objective of the research is to exploit unique phenomena for the development of novel technology to enhance warfighter capabilities and produce precision weapons. The key technology areas that the authors are exploring include nano-based microsensors, nano-energetics, nano-batteries, nano-composites, and nano-plasmonics. By integrating nano-based devices, structures, and materials into weaponry, the Army can revolutionize existing (and future) missile systems by significantly reducing the size, weight and cost. The major research thrust areas include the development of chemical sensors to detect rocket motor off-gassing and toxic industrial chemicals; the development of highly sensitive/selective, self-powered miniaturized acoustic sensors for battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance; the development of a minimum signature solid propellant with increased ballistic and physical properties that meet insensitive munitions requirements; the development of nano-structured material for higher voltage thermal batteries and higher energy density storage; the development of advanced composite materials that provide high frequency damping for inertial measurement units' packaging; and the development of metallic nanostructures for ultraviolet surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The current status of the overall AMRDEC Nanotechnology research efforts is disclosed in this paper. Critical technical challenges, for the various technologies, are presented. The authors' approach for overcoming technical barriers and achieving required performance is also discussed. Finally, the roadmap for each technology, as well as the overall program, is presented.
Development of diagnosis and treatment technology for brain disease using quantum material and nano probe pin device
Uhn Lee, Sang H. Choi, Vijay K. Varadan, et al.
New medical device technology is essential for diagnosing, monitoring, and curing wide spectrum of diseases, anomalies and inflictions. For neural applications, currently available devices are generally limited to either a curing or a probing function. In this paper we review the technology requirements for new neural probe and cure device technology currently under development. The concept of probe-pin device that integrates the probes for neurochemistry, neuroelectricity, temperature and pressure into a single embodiment with a wireless power transmission was designed for the purpose of deep brain feedback stimulation (DBFS) with insitu neural monitoring. The probe considered for monitoring neurochemistry is a microspectrometer. The feature and size of micro-spectrometer are defined for the DBFS device. Two types of wireless power transmission technology were studied for DBFS device operation. The test results of pig skin showed that both power transmission technologies demonstrated the feasibility of power feed through human tissue.
Design and performance evaluation of sensors and actuators for advanced optical systems
Current state-of-the-art commercial sensors and actuators do not meet many of NASA's next generation spacecraft and instrument needs. Nor do they satisfy the DoD needs for satellite missions, especially micro/nano satellite missions. In an effort to develop advanced optical devices and instruments that meet mission requirements, NASA Langley recently completed construction of a new cleanroom housing equipment capable of fabricating high performance active optic and adaptive optic technologies including deformable mirrors, reconfigurable lenses (both refractive and diffractive), spectrometers, spectro-polarimeters, tunable filters and many other active optic devices. In addition to performance, these advanced optic technologies offer advantages in speed, size, weight, power consumption, and radiation tolerance. The active optic devices described in this paper rely on birefringent liquid crystal materials to alter either the phase or the polarization of the incoming light. Design considerations and performance evaluation results for various NASA applications are presented. Applications presented will include large space telescopes, optical communications, spacecraft windows, coronagraphs, and star trackers.
Optical performance of circular Fresnel spectrometer
Yeonjoon Park, Hyunjung Kim, Glen King, et al.
Most of today's spectrometers are based on Fraunhofer diffraction with a periodic regular line grating. We demonstrate a new type of a spectrometer which is based on Fresnel diffraction that can be miniaturized smaller than Fraunhofer diffraction limit, a2/λ where a is the aperture size, and λ is the wavelength of the light. The theory, fabrication, and optical performance of the miniaturized Fresnel spectrometer with a circular Fresnel grating, i.e. zone-plate will be presented. The theoretical calculation shows that the spectral resolution of Fresnel spectrometer is not fundamentally determined by the size of the grating but it is determined by the total number of rings. The miniaturized Fresnel spectrometer has a circular grating of 750 micrometer diameter and the volume of the optical path between the grating and the aperture slit is only 1mm3. In spite of this small dimension, it achieved a spectral resolution of 22nm which is similar to the typical value of a color filter.
Nanowire, Nanotube, and Nanostructures I
Carbon nanotube heterojunctions: unusual deformations and mechanical vibration properties
F. Scarpa, J. Narojczyk, K. W. Wojciechowski, et al.
The mechanical deformation and dynamics properties of single wall carbon nanotube heterojunctions (HJ) oscillators are investigated using an hybrid finite element atomistic-continuum approach. The nanotube HJs provide a peculiar deformation pattern, with combined bending and axial stretching of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and a broad agreement of their axial stiffness with spring series continuum mechanics and existing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We show also peculiar distributions of the natural frequencies and modes of the hetero-junctions compared to classical single-wall nanotube configurations, and the mass-sensor capability of (5,5)-(10,10) SWCNT HJ structures, with frequency shifts highly depending on the heterojunction section subjected to the mass loading.
Thermodynamic comparison of collinear two-dot QCA wires with traditional four-dot designs
Loyd R. Hook IV, Samuel C. Lee
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is a transistor-less computing paradigm which promises to extend the scaling of integrated circuitry past the physical boundaries of CMOS technologies. Many different physical implementations have been suggested and experimentally verified for QCA since its inception. Additionally, many computing architectures have been proposed extending the abilities of the QCA. However, the basic cell design, which consists of four logically active quantum-dots arranged in a rectangular pattern, has remained relatively unchanged during this progression. In QCA designs, the floor plan of the device layouts is dominated by communication paths, not logic operations. Additionally, the length of these communication paths largely relates to the expected correctness of the QCA devices because of thermal effects. For this reason, this paper proposes a new collinear two-dot QCA wire design which is more reliable than the traditional four-dot designs, operating at the same temperature and device dimensions. Furthermore, because fewer QCAs are required per length of communication path, the new design may have the effect of easing fabrication requirements.
Synthesis of hematite and maghemite nanotubes and study of their applications in neuroscience and drug delivery
Linfeng Chen, Jining Xie, Kiran R. Aatre, et al.
This report discusses our work on synthesis of hematite and maghemite nanotubes, analysis of their biocompatibility with pheochromocytoma cells (PC12 cells), and study of their applications in the culture of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and the delivery of ibuprofen sodium salt (ISS) drug model. Two methods, template-assisted thermal decomposition method and hydrothermal method, were used for synthesizing hematite nanotubes, and maghemite nanotubes were obtained from the synthesized hematite nanotubes by thermal treatment. The crystalline, morphology and magnetic properties of the hematite and maghemite nanotubes were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), respectively. The biocompatibility of the synthesized hematite nanotubes was confirmed by the survival and differentiation of PC12 cells in the presence of the hematite nanotubes coupled to nerve growth factor (NGF). To study the combined effects of the presence of magnetic nanotubes and external magnetic fields on neurite growth, laminin was coupled to hematite and maghemite nanotubes, and DRG neurons were cultured in the presence of the treated nanotubes with the application of external magnetic fields. It was found that neurons can better tolerate external magnetic fields when magnetic nanotubes were present. Close contacts between nanotubes and filopodia that were observed under SEM showed that the nanotubes and the growing neurites interacted readily. The drug loading and release capabilities of hematite nanotubes synthesized by hydrothermal method were tested by using ibuprofen sodium salt (ISS) as a drug model. Our experimental results indicate that hematite and maghemite nanotubes have good biocompatibility with neurons, could be used in regulating neurite growth, and are promising vehicles for drug delivery.
Nanowire, Nanotube, and Nanostructures II
Synthesis and characterization of thiol-functionalized polymer as binder in conductive ink
Jungmin Lee, Vijay K. Varadan
The technology of electrical printing has received industrial and scientific attention due to wide variety of application such as sensors, radio frequency identification cards (RFIDs), flexible display, and flexible solar cell. Especially a roll to roll gravure printing technique has been useful for mass production of electrical products. For the more high quality of conductive ink, the compatibility of organic binder and inorganic filler is very important. In this study, Thiol-functionalized polymer and core-shell conductive nanoparticles were used as the binder and filler. The thiol moieties in binder contribute to functionality of the synthesized polymer. Also, the conductivity and viscosity of synthesized ink and compatibility of filler with binder were characterized in various conditions.
Magnetoresistance of flexible CNT-Fe composite thin films in a dynamic electric field
Rejin Isaac, D. Roy Mahapatra
Room temperature magnetoresistance (MR) under AC electric field of a composite of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and Fe nanoparticles dispersed in a base polymer of epoxy resin and amorphous carbon is reported. The films made in varying weight concentrations (1% to 3% of CNT and 1% to 5% of Fe) reveal MR dependence over the entire frequency (0- 1kHz) and amplitude range (0-3V). MR is found to increase with increase in either Fe or CNT concentration. The experiments reveal an enhanced MR as compared to the MR under a static electric field. On passing an alternating electric field through a CNT, the impedance increases due to the onset of the capacitive and inductive impedance, in addition to the already existing electrical resistance. The charge storage capacity of CNTs leads to the capacitive impedance. When electric field is applied parallel to the tube axis, electron flux along circumference is diverted into a helix current, similar to nanocoils. The Fe nanoparticles enhance the magnetic field concentration in the CNTs leading to an increased inductor like property of CNTs. The dynamics of the CNT-Fe system has been modeled using Maxwell's electromagnetic equations, with the Fe nanoparticles contributing to an additional current density in the form of spin polarized electrons. Hysteresis in MR is observed on sweeping the magnetic field. These highly tunable, flexible thin films can be used in room temperature magnetic field sensors and spintronic devices like magnetic random access memory (MRAM).
Nano Devices and Sensors I
Biosensor made with organic-inorganic hybrid composite: cellulose-tin oxide
Suresha K. Mahadeva, Jyoti Nayak, Jaehwan Kim
Cellulose is the most abundant polymer found in nature, inexhaustible, low cost, easy processing, renewable, biodegradable and biocompatible. SnO2, is a known electrical conductor that is optically transparent in the visible spectrum with a wide band gap at room temperature. Thus, a hybrid nanocomposite of cellulose and SnO2can offer a unique property of cellulose combined with electrical properties of SnO2. These unique properties of cellulose- SnO2 hybrid nanocomposite can be capitalized to design flexible, biodegradable and low cost biosensors. Preparation and characterization of cellulose-SnO2 hybrid nanocomposite and its application as a flexible urea biosensor was demonstrated in this paper. It is observed sensitivity of cellulose-SnO2 hybrid nanocomposite urea biosensor was increased linearly with deposition time. As deposition time increased, amount of tin oxide deposited over cellulose surface also increases, so as to increase the amount of enzyme immobilization and attachment of analyte, attributes to large current output and high sensitivity of sensor. Increasing enzyme activity is observed, with increasing urea concentration. Experimental results suggested that, the proposed biosensor under study is suitable for urea detection below 50 mM.
Printable low-cost sensor systems for healthcare smart textiles
Smart textiles-based wearable health monitoring systems (ST-HMS) have been presented as elegant solutions to the requirements of individuals across a wide range of ages. They can be used to monitor young or elderly recuperating /convalescent patients either in hospital or at home, or they can be used by young athletes to monitor important physiological parameters to better design their training or fitness program. Business and academic interests, all over the world, have fueled a great deal of work in the development of this technology since 1990. However, two important impediments to the development of ST-HMS are:-integration of flexible electrodes, flexible sensors, signal conditioning circuits and data logging or wireless transmission devices into a seamless garment and a means to mass manufacture the same, while keeping the costs low. Roll-to-roll printing and screen printing are two low cost methods for large scale manufacturing on flexible substrates and can be extended to textiles as well. These two methods are, currently, best suited for planar structures. The sensors, integrated with wireless telemetry, facilitate development of a ST-HMS that allows for unobtrusive health monitoring. In this paper, we present our results with planar screen printable sensors based on conductive inks which can be used to monitor EKG, abdominal respiration effort, blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature. The sensor systems were calibrated, and tested for sensitivity, reliability and robustness to ensure reuse after washing cycles.
Nano Devices and Sensors II
Paper transistor made with regenerated cellulose and covalently bonded single-walled carbon nanotubes
We report a flexible paper transistor made with regenerated cellulose and covalently bonded single-walled carbon nanotubes. Functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are reacted with N, N-Carbonyldiimidazoles to obtain SWNTs-imidazolides. SWNTs can be covalently bonded to cellulose by acylation of cellulose with SWNTsimidazolides. Using the product, SWNTs covalently bonded cellulose (S/C) composite paper is fabricated and it is mechanically stretched to align SWNTs with cellulose chains. Finally, inter-digital comb shaped source and drain electrode and bottom gate electrode is formed on the paper via lift-off process. Aligned SWNTs can contribute to establishing stable electron channel paths in the cellulose layer. The alignment of SWNTs can be key a role in improving characteristics of the paper transistor. The characteristics of the paper transistor are evaluated by measuring mobility, onoff ratio depending on the alignment of SWNTs in S/C composite paper transistors.
Investigation of dipole antenna based sensor for passive wireless structural health monitoring
Sang-Dong Jang, Dong-Gu Kim, Jaehwan Kim
In this paper, feasibility of a wireless mechanical strain sensor based on dipole antenna is investigated. The geometry, deformation and load impedance of feeding lines for dipole antenna can change the electromagnetic resonance frequency, magnitude of resonance and phase angle of antenna. Planar dipole antenna is designed for X band and made on a flexible polymer substrate is fabricated using a conventional photolithography process. Fabricated dipole antenna is attached to a plastic cantilever beam. The return loss of the dipole antenna sensor is characterized using a network analyzer. The strain sensitivity of the sensor is tested by correlating the return loss variation with the bending strain of the cantilever beam.
Smart Electronics
A new architecture for designing noise-tolerant digital circuits
Jeremy M. Lakes, Samuel C. Lee
Defects and faults arise from physical imperfections and noise susceptibility of the analog circuit components used to create digital circuits resulting in computational errors. A probabilistic computational model is needed to quantify and analyze the effect of noisy signals on computational accuracy in digital circuits. This model computes the reliability of digital circuits meaning that the inputs and outputs and their implemented logic function need to be calculated probabilistically. The purpose of this paper is to present a new architecture for designing noise-tolerant digital circuits. The approach we propose is to use a class of single-input, single-output circuits called Reliability Enhancement Network Chain (RENC). A RENC is a concatenation of n simple logic circuits called Reliability Enhancement Network (REN). Each REN can increase the reliability of a digital circuit to a higher level. Reliability of the circuit can approach any desirable level when a RENC composed of a sufficient number of RENs is employed. Moreover, the proposed approach is applicable to the design of any logic circuit implemented with any logic technology.
Design of electrocardiography measurement system with an algorithm to remove noise
Electrocardiography (ECG) is an important diagnostic tool that can provide vital information about diseases that may not be detectable with other biological signals like, SpO2(Oxygen Saturation), pulse rate, respiration, and blood pressure. For this reason, EKG measurement is mandatory for accurate diagnosis. Recent development in information technology has facilitated remote monitoring systems which can check patient's current status. Moreover, remote monitoring systems can obviate the need for patients to go to hospitals periodically. Such representative wireless communication system is Zigbee sensor network because Zigbee sensor network provides low power consumption and multi-device connection. When we measure EKG signal, another important factor that we should consider is about unexpected signals mixed to EKG signal. The unexpected signals give a severe impact in distorting original EKG signal. There are three kinds of types in noise elements such as muscle noise, movement noise, and respiration noise. This paper describes the design method for EKG measurement system with Zigbee sensor network and proposes an algorithm to remove noises from measured ECG signal.
Remotely driven electro-active paper actuator by modulated microwaves
Sang Yeol Yang, Suresha K. Mahadeva, Jaehwan Kim, et al.
This paper reports a remotely-driven electro-active paper (EAPap) actuator by modulated microwaves. So far we have demonstrated a remotely driven EAPap actuator by means of rectenna and control circuit. The rectenna consists of dipole antenna and rectifying circuit, which converts microwave to dc power. Once microwaves are incident on the dipole rectenna, it converts microwaves into a dc power and the control circuit feeds the power to the EAPap actuator by alternating it so as to produce a bending motion of the EAPap actuator. However, due to the power consumption of the control circuit, the remotely-driven actuator system requires more dc power to activate the control circuit. Thus, we propose a remotely-driven EAPap actuator that does not require the control circuit. Instead of the control circuit, microwaves are modulated with the control signal, and by rectifying the modulated microwaves with the rectenna, the control signal can be regenerated for activating the EAPap actuator. Detailed modulated microwave, rectenna design, fabrication, characterization and the actuation of rectenna-EAPap by modulated microwave are explained.
Wireless Sensor System
Wireless power feeding to mobile objects with strongly coupled resonance
Masayoshi Koizumi, Kimiya Komurasaki, Yoshihiro Mizuno, et al.
Wireless power feeding transmission is now in demand in the various fields. Electrical products of this modern age such as mobile phones, laptop monitoring sensors and electrical vehicles are spreading everywhere. Those electric device need to feed frequently because amount of consumed electric power of those devices are gradually increasing. Nonetheless content of battery show signs of leveling off. This is why it is important to develop a method of wireless power transmitting system with high efficiency. Strongly coupled magnetic resonance is the latest type of wireless power transmission technology. The main feature of this technology is the effectiveness in the mid-range that covers many attractive applications. The theory of transmitting efficiency is derived as a function of impedance ratio r and RF frequency ω.
Design and implementation of a bluetooth-based band-aid pulse rate sensor
Remote patient monitoring systems capable of collecting vital patient data such as blood pressure readings, Electrocardiograph (ECG) waveforms, and heart rate can obviate the need for repeated visits to the hospital. Moreover, such systems that continuously monitor the human physiology can provide valuable data to prognosticate the onset of critical health problems. The key to such remote health diagnostics is the design of minimally intrusive, low cost sensors that do not impede a patient's quotidian life but at the same time collect reliable noise free data. To this end, in this paper, we design and implement a Bluetooth-based wireless sensor system with a disposable sensor element and a reusable wireless component that can be worn as a "band-aid". The sensor is a piezoelectric polymer film placed on the wrist in proximity to the radial artery. The band-aid sized sensor allows non-intrusive monitoring of the pulsatile flow of blood in the artery. The sensor, using the Bluetooth module, can communicate with any Bluetooth enabled computer, mobile phone, or PDA. The data collected from the patient can be remotely viewed and analyzed by a physician.
Wireless remote monitoring system for sleep apnea
Sleep plays the important role of rejuvenating the body, especially the central nervous system. However, more than thirty million people suffer from sleep disorders and sleep deprivation. That can cause serious health consequences by increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart attack and so on. Apart from the physical health risk, sleep disorders can lead to social problems when sleep disorders are not diagnosed and treated. Currently, sleep disorders are diagnosed through sleep study in a sleep laboratory overnight. This involves large expenses in addition to the inconvenience of overnight hospitalization and disruption of daily life activities. Although some systems provide home based diagnosis, most of systems record the sleep data in a memory card, the patient has to face the inconvenience of sending the memory card to a doctor for diagnosis. To solve the problem, we propose a wireless sensor system for sleep apnea, which enables remote monitoring while the patient is at home. The system has 5 channels to measure ECG, Nasal airflow, body position, abdominal/chest efforts and oxygen saturation. A wireless transmitter unit transmits signals with Zigbee and a receiver unit which has two RF modules, Zigbee and Wi-Fi, receives signals from the transmitter unit and retransmits signals to the remote monitoring system with Zigbee and Wi-Fi, respectively. By using both Zigbee and Wi-Fi, the wireless sensor system can achieve a low power consumption and wide range coverage. The system's features are presented, as well as continuous monitoring results of vital signals.
E-bra with nanosensors, smart electronics and smart phone communication network for heart rate monitoring
Heart related ailments have been a major cause for deaths in both men and women in United States. Since 1985, more women than men have died due to cardiac or cardiovascular ailments for reasons that are not well understood as yet. Lack of a deterministic understanding of this phenomenon makes continuous real time monitoring of cardiovascular health the best approach for both early detection of pathophysiological changes and events indicative of chronic cardiovascular diseases in women. This approach requires sensor systems to be seamlessly mounted on day to day clothing for women. With this application in focus, this paper describes a e-bra platform for sensors towards heart rate monitoring. The sensors, nanomaterial or textile based dry electrodes, capture the heart activity signals in form Electrocardiograph (ECG) and relay it to a compact textile mountable amplifier-wireless transmitter module for relay to a smart phone. The ECG signal, acquired on the smart phone, can be transmitted to the cyber space for post processing. As an example, the paper discusses the heart rate estimation and heart rate variability. The data flow from sensor to smart phone to server (cyber infrastructure) has been discussed. The cyber infrastructure based signal post processing offers an opportunity for automated emergency response that can be initiated from the server or the smartphone itself. Detailed protocols for both the scenarios have been presented and their relevance to the present emergency healthcare response system has been discussed.
Fabrication and Characterization I
X-ray diffraction wafer mapping method for SiGe twin defects characterization
Yeonjoon Park, Hyunjung Kim, Glen King, et al.
Group IV semiconductors, silicon, germanium, and carbon are today's most important cubic diamond structure forming semiconductors. A recently developed rhombohedral super-hetero epitaxy technology has enabled the single-crystal growth of cubic diamond semiconductors on the basal plane of selected trigonal crystals. This kind of hetero-crystal-structure epitaxy was previously thought to be impossible or very difficult to grow. We found this apparent lacuna in the earlier studies to be stemming from the lack of a proper characterization tool and a deficit in the knowledge of growth parameters employed. Here, we present X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods for characterizing twin crystal defects in the rhombohedral-trigonal epitaxy scheme. These XRD methods not only measure the total density of the twin defect crystals but also map their distribution on the wafer with high sensitivity and spatial resolution.
Fabrication and Characterization II
Use of the electro-mechanical impedance method for the assessment of dental implant stability
Piervincenzo Rizzo, Giovanni Boemio, Luigi de Nardo
The robustness and reliability of the Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) method to assess dental prostheses stability is presented. The study aim at addressing an increasing need in the biomedical area where robust, reliable, and non-invasive methods to assess the bone-interface of dental and orthopedic implants are increasingly demanded for clinical diagnosis and direct prognosis. In this study two different dental screws were entrenched in polyurethane foams and immersed in a solution of nitric acid to allow material degradation, inversely simulating a bone-healing process. This process was monitored by bonding a Piezoceramic Transducer (PZT) to the implant and measuring the admittance of the PZT over time. To simulate healing, a second set of experiments was conducted. It consisted of placing four dental screws inside a joint compound specimen and observing the setting of the fresh compound allocated in the alveolus containing each implant. In all cases it was found that the PZT's conductance and the statistical features associated with the analysis of the admittance signatures were sensitive to the degradation or the setting process.
System-in-package LTCC platform for 3D RF to millimeter wave
This presentation shows recent trends and results in 3D Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics (LTCC) modules in applications from RF to millimeter waves. The system-in-package LTCC platform is a true three dimensional module technology. LTCC is a lightweight multi-layer technology having typically 6-20 ceramic layers and metallizations between. The metallization levels i.e different metal layers can be patterned and connected together with metal vias. Passive devices can also be fabricated on LTCC while active devices and other chips are connected with flip-chip, wire bonding or soldering. In addition to passives directly fabricated to LTCC, several different technologies/ chips can be hybrid integrated to the same module. LTCC platform is also well suited for the realization of antenna arrays for microwave and millimeter wave applications. Potential applications are ranging from short range communications to space and radars. VTT has designed, fabricated and characterized microwave and millimeter wave packages for Radio Frequency (RF) Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) as well as active devices. Also, several types of system-in-package modules have been realized containing hybrid integrated CMOS and GaAs MMICs and antenna arrays.
Preparation and characterization of fluorinated cellulose material
John Amalraj, Jin-Ho Kang, Jaehwan Kim
Fluorinated derivative of cellulose acetate (CA) was prepared by simple homogeneous esterification reaction using pyridine as catalyst and pentadecafluorooctonyl chloride (PDFOC) as long chain aliphatic acid chloride. The process was optimized by changing the amount of pyridine and PDFOC. Obtained fluoro derivative of CA was freely soluble in common organic solvents such as acetone and THF. Fluorine content in the material was calculated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses and maximum 27.3 wt.% was achieved. X-ray diffraction results showed that fluorination reaction did not change the crystallinity of the CA.
Applications I
Electrochemical investigation of nano-electrodes for biomedical sensing applications in the brain
Courtney S. Smith, Christopher M. Bowie, Kyo D. Song, et al.
Using neural probing devices implanted in the brain, neural activity from neural cells can be recorded in-vivo for long term periods. This research goal is to develop and investigate a neural sensing device using nanotechnology which can enhance the quality and longevity of sensing. In this research, two neural electrode designs were employed with nanostructures, which distinguish them from 2-dimensional planar electrode configuration. According to electrochemical simulation, high molecular confinement has been observed on vertically aligned nanowire electrodes, especially those with grid structures. The efficacy of the 3-dimensional nanoelectrode is also discussed in this paper, depending on the molecular diffusion on nanoelectrodes.
Near field effects of millimeter-wave power transmission for medical applications
An integration of micro devices system and wireless power transmission (WPT) technology offers a great potential to revolutionize current health care devices. The system integration of wireless power transmission devices with smart microsensors is crucial for replacing a power storage devices and miniaturizing wireless biomedical systems. Our research goal is to replace battery power supply with an implantable millimeter-wave rectenna. Recently, a hat system with a small millimeter-wave antenna which can feed millimeter-wave power to thin-film rectenna array embedding Schottky diodes was introduced for neural sensing and stimulation applications. In order to prove the design concept and investigate wireless power coupling efficiency under the system design, near-field wireless power transmission was studied in terms of wave frequency and distance. Also, in this paper, we will present the influence of biological objects to the wireless power transmission, simulating the experimental conditions of human objects for future medical applications.
Lithium vanadium oxides (Li(1+x)V3O8) as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries for soldier portable power systems
Gaojun Wang, Linfeng Chen, Gyanesh N. Mathur, et al.
Improving soldier portable power systems is very important for saving soldiers' lives and having a strategic advantage in a war. This paper reports our work on synthesizing lithium vanadium oxides (Li1+xV3O8) and developing their applications as the cathode (positive) materials in lithium-ion batteries for soldier portable power systems. Two synthesizing methods, solid-state reaction method and sol-gel method, are used in synthesizing lithium vanadium oxides, and the chemical reaction conditions are determined mainly based on thermogravimetric and differential thermogravimetric (TG-DTG) analysis. The synthesized lithium vanadium oxides are used as the active positive materials in the cathodes of prototype lithium-ion batteries. By using the new solid-state reaction technique proposed in this paper, lithium vanadium oxides can be synthesized at a lower temperature and in a shorter time, and the synthesized lithium vanadium oxide powders exhibit good crystal structures and good electrochemical properties. In the sol-gel method, different lithium source materials are used, and it is found that lithium nitrate (LiNO3) is better than lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) and lithium hydroxide (LiOH). The lithium vanadium oxides synthesized in this work have high specific charge and discharge capacities, which are helpful for reducing the sizes and weights, or increasing the power capacities, of soldier portable power systems.
Applications II
Temperature dependent electrical behavior of cellulose based transistor
Byungwook Lim, Sungryul Yun, Jaehwan Kim, et al.
Temperature dependant electrical behaviors of cellulose based flexible paper transistor were studied. Due to the covalently bonded single walled carbon nanotube into cellulose structure (SCBC), the conduction current of SCBC paper transistor shows two different slopes which is related to the measurement temperature and gate bias voltage of transistor. The electron hopping mechanism among the covalently bonded carbon nanotube in the regenerated cellulose is discussed by increasing measurement temperature of SCBC paper transistor.
Poster Session
The fabrication of glucose sensor by nanoporous silicon film and its switching characteristics on visible color light response
Jia-Chuan Lin, Meng-Kai Hsu, Hsi-Ting Hou, et al.
An investigation of the visible light glucose sensor by utilized nanoporous (NPS) silicon material as a sensitive layer was proposed. In the experiments, all studied NPS films are prepared by electrochemical anodization technique and the obtained depth are about 3.3 μm. The peak of PL-intensity curve is 610 nm under normal air condition. Based on its high surface to volume ratio (SVR) and unique light emission properties, the studied NPS glucose sensor has a high sensitivity and stability. The visible light response on the film surface switches obviously between distinct colors with/without glucose treatment. As compared with conventional electronic glucose sensor, the highly sensitive and obvious light switching characteristics would be important to related detection. It has a potential application on small-size, low-cost, portable and electric-free sensor systems. After the immersion treatment of 1M glucose solution on the studied NPS samples, an obvious blue-shift behavior of PL-feature (from 610 to 560 nm) is observed at room temperature. The color switching can be read by a naked-eye easily.
Thermal effect on the I-V characteristics of TiO2 and GaN sol-gel driven Schottky diode
Yi Chen, M. Maniruzzaman, Seongcheol Mun, et al.
TiO2 and GaN thin film were successfully fabricated on Si substrate by a sol-gel method. However, thin films did not show crystallinity structure without any treatment. To increase the crystallinity of thin films, TiO2 thin films were annealed while GaN was annealed under NH3 gas flow. The annealing temperature range was 700~900°C, and the effects of thermal effect on the structural and electrical properties of TiO2 and GaN films were studied. The resulting films show high crystallinity as indicated via the XRD analysis. As annealing temperature increases up to 900°C, the grain size and the surface roughness increases. Sol-gel thin film driven Schottky diodes are fabricated with Si and Al electrodes, and characterized by measuring their current-voltage behavior with -2~2 V range. TiO2 and GaN Schottky diode with high crytallinity structure show a high forward current.