Thomas Sang Hyuk YOO is a third-year Ph.D. student at LPICM at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France.
He received a bachelor's degree in Information display from Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea, and a dual master's degree in Engineering from Kyung Hee University and Ecole Polytechnique. His current research topic is a multimodal imaging Mueller polarimetric microscope to study scattering media. His main interest is an optical system design for Mueller polarimetry with ray tracing and FEM/FDTD modellings of Mueller matrix for scattering media to analyze biomedical tissues or nano-, micro-materials. He is professionally affiliated with an OSA-SPIE student chapter of optics in Paris (SCOP), taking charge of its website and communication. Following the activities on SCOP, he has several experiences on a scientific demonstration for undergraduates and children, an organization of national and international conferences such as "International OSA Network of Students (IONS Paris 2017) conference", "the 1st European Workshop on Biophotonics and Optical Angular Momentum (BIOAM)" as well as some events of current laboratory.
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