Dr. Hans Sohlström

Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Sohlström, Hans
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Area of Expertise: Microoptics, Photonics, Optical MEMS, Measurement technology
Websites: Company Website
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Profile Summary

Hans Sohlstrom was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1952. He received the M. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1978 and in 1993 a Ph.D. degree in electrical measurement technology. The subject of the thesis was fibre optical magnetic field sensors based on YIG cristals and YIG thin films. He joined the Instrumentation Laboratory, later the Microsystem Technology group at the School of Electrical engineering, where he is responsible for courses in measurement technology.

1994-1996 he worked part-time for IMC AB, now ACREO AB, with silicon waveguiding sensors.

His research interest is micro-optical sensors and other MOEMS devices. He has coordinated the KTH involvement in two EU-sponsored projects:SABIO (Ultrahigh sensitivity Slot-wAveguide BIOsensor on a highly integrated chip for simultaneous diagnosis of multiple diseases) and PHODYE (New PHOtonic Systems on a Chip based on DYEs for Sensor Applications scalable at Wafer Fabrication).

At present he is working with optical gas sensors in projects sponored by Swedish industry.

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