Paper 13369-71
Widely tunable hybrid external cavity laser around 1700 nm with sub-kHz linewidth
The wavelength range around 1700 nm is pivotal for a wide range of applications, such as gas sensing (e.g., CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C3H8), spectroscopy, LIDAR, and medical diagnostics. Here, we present a laser that operates in this wavelength range, achieved through the hybrid integration of an off-the-shelf InP-based gain chip with a low-loss Si3N4 feedback chip. The feedback chip contains a ring-resonator based filter, which enables wide wavelength tuning and ultra-coherent performance. The resulting laser demonstrates a tuning range from 1634 nm to 1777 nm with an output power reaching up to 7.7 mW. Moreover, the laser exhibits an intrinsic linewidth in the sub-kHz range (543 Hz).
Chilas B.V. (Netherlands)
Dimitri Geskus is born in the Netherlands in 1979. He developed high power rare earth doped channel waveguide lasers during his PhD until 2011.
In 2010 Dimitri joined XiO Photonics in the Netherlands with the main activity to develop modules based on photonic devices. And in 2013 he receives a Brazilian research grant in the program for talented young scientists to develop blue lasers in São Paulo, Brazil.
In 2015, Dimitri started as researcher at the KTH in Stockholm in Sweden, setting up a new research group to develop ultranarrow linewidth lasers for sensor applications. In 2016 he returned to the team of XiO Photonics (acquired by LioniX International), to get involved in the development of external cavity lasers using SiN feedback circuitry. Since 2021, Dimitri fulfills the role of CTO at Chilas BV.
Dimitri is (co)author of more than 30 journal publications, 100 conference publication and two patents, all in the field of lasers and integrated optics.