Hear the latest advances in the processing of big satellite data, presented alongside novel analytics, including those producing actionable sustainability intelligence. Take this opportunity to participate in an innovative conference and meet like-minded colleagues from academia, government and industry.
We face a series of unprecedented global challenges, especially climate change, that threaten to undermine our socio-economic well-being as well as our biodiverse ecosystems. Achieving sustainable development is the challenge of our age, as encapsulated in the Paris agreement in 2015. Global leaders agreed on 17 sustainable development goals and 169 associated targets to be met by 2030. To monitor these environmental targets effectively on a global scale requires major advances in satellite earth observation systems and associated data analytics.
This interdisciplinary meeting will highlight recently operational and forthcoming satellite systems providing new sensors supporting sustainability. Advances in the processing of big satellite data will be presented alongside novel analytics focused on delivering actionable sustainability intelligence. The meeting will also highlight advances in approaches to issues of sustainability in the building, launching, and operation of satellite themselves.
Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)