16 - 19 September 2024
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Sensors + Imaging exhibition 2024

Interact with companies at the free exhibition. Connect with representatives, and learn about the latest products to hit the market.

Meet with top companies

Make time for the exhibition to learn about various components, devices, and systems comprising the latest innovative technologies for the security and defence and remote sensing application spaces. Find solutions from companies whose products and innovations drive industry. The exhibition is free.


Edinburgh International Conference Centre
The Exchange
Edinburgh, EH3 8EE, Scotland

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Exhibition dates and times

Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Tuesday 17 September 10.00 - 17.00
Wednesday 18 September 10.00 - 16.00

Included with your free exhibition registration

Gain access to:

  • Top companies
  • Organisations announcing new products
  • Networking opportunities

Attendees enjoying the SPIE Sensors + Imaging exhibition

New this year on the exhibition floor

Take a moment to listen to a wide range of opportunities and developments in the photonics industry - commercial trends, European funding, technical overviews, and exhibitor product demonstrations, happening at the Photonics Marketplace.

Technologies and applications represented

Products and technologies you'll see on the exhibit floor range from detectors and sensors to lasers and imaging equipment for the security and defence community, while comprehensive coverage of sensor systems, data analysis, and satellite platforms is offered on the remote sensing side.

Security and defence


  • Electro-optical systems
  • Infrared imagers and detectors
  • High powered lasers and directed energy sources
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Millimeter wave and THz sensors
  • Quantum imaging, sensing, and communications
  • Single-photon devices
  • Advanced manufacturing techniques


  • Target and background signatures
  • Surveillance and reconnaissance
  • Situational awareness
  • Counterterrorism
  • Optical countermeasures
  • Free space optical communications
  • Stand-off detection and remote sensing
  • Unmanned and autonomous systems

Remote sensing


  • Satellite imaging and sensing systems
  • Lidar and radar
  • Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging
  • Deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
  • Signal processing and image analysis techniques
  • Sensing in urban environments
  • Imaging systems and detectors
  • Adaptive optical systems


  • Agriculture and hydrology
  • Ocean sensing
  • Clouds and atmosphere
  • Light propagation through the atmosphere
  • Earth resources and environmental monitoring
  • Urban environments and smart cities
  • Earth observation

Information for exhibitors