15 - 18 September 2025
Madrid, Spain

Onsite services for SPIE Sensors + Imaging

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Onsite services information

Discover details about onsite services to help create a positive and easy onsite experience. View the details below.

SPIE Sensors + Imaging venue IFEMA

Badge pickup and registration hours

Conference Hours - Location: The Atrium, Lennox Entrance

Sunday, 15 September 15.00 - 18.00
Monday, 16 September 07.45 - 17.00
Tuesday, 17 September 08.00 - 17.00
Wednesday, 18 September 08.00 - 16.00
Thursday, 19 September 08.00 - 16.00

Exhibition Hours - Location: Lennox Suite

Tuesday, 17 September 10.00 - 17.00
Wednesday, 18 September 10.00 - 16.00

Helpful information at the event

SPIE Cashier

Location: The Atrium, Lennox Entrance
Open during registration hours

Registration payments

If you are planning to register onsite, please do so at the “Need to Register” laptop station. Your credit card payment will be processed during registration. If you wish to pay with cash, you will be directed to the Cashier once you have completed registration for final payment.

If you have already registered and wish to add a special event, you may do this online by signing into your SPIE account.

Receipt and Certificate of Participation

Preregistered attendees who need an SPIE-stamped receipt or attendees who need a Certificate of Participation may obtain those at the Cashier.

Badge Corrections

Badge corrections can be made at the Cashier. Please mark your badge with your changes before approaching the counter.

Speaker Ready Room 

Location: Lomond Foyer

Monday through Thursday  07:30 - 17:00

Speakers are not able to present using their own devices. All conference rooms are equipped with a computer workstation, projector, screen, lapel microphone, and laser pointer. 

SPIE will record the audio plus screen content of all presentations; Recordings will be published on the SPIE Digital Libary.

Poster Session 

Location: Lennox Suite

Tuesday, 17 September 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 
Poster Setup: Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00

SPIE Conference and Exhibition App 

This useful tool allows you to search and browse the programme, special events, participants, exhibitors, and more.  It is free and available for iPhone and Android phones. If you don't already have it, you can download the SPIE app here.  

Internet Access

Complimentary wireless internet access will be available and login details will be available onsite; connection speed depends on the number of users. Please read the SPIE Wireless Service Policy.

Login details and password are available at the Registration Desk.


SPIE Luggage and Coat Check 

Location: Cloakroom, Level-1
Open during registration hours.
Complimentary luggage, package, and coat storage are available. Please note opening hours.

Business Center Office 

22 - 22a Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8BJ

Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 17:00 hrs.
Services include printing and pcanning, pignage, laminating, digital and litho printing, large format printing.

Child Care Services

This listing by SPIE does not imply an endorsement or recommendation of these services. They are provided on an “information only” basis for your further analysis and decision. Other services may be available.

To find childcare services, please contact City of Edinburgh Council - Find a childminder

Did you know SPIE offers Family Care Grants to SPIE members? For more information on deadlines and how to apply check the details here.

Mothers' Room

Location: Please request a key from the Registration Desk

The Mothers' Room is a lockable room intended for nursing mothers. There is no storage, running water, or refrigeration available in this space.

Quiet Room

Location: Please request a key from the Registration Desk

The Quiet Room is intended for silent meditation, reflection, and prayer. No mobile devices or computer use is allowed, and no food or beverages are allowed.

Lost and Found

Location: SPIE Cashier
Found items will be kept at the SPIE Cashier in the Registration area during the meeting and available only during registration hours.

Urgent Message Line 

Messages for attendees can be left by calling +44 29 2089 4747. Message will be taken during registration hours Sunday - Thursday. It is the attendees’ responsibility to check with the registration desk if they expect a message.

Beverage Services

Coffee Breaks

Complimentary coffee
Monday and Thursday: Conference Foyers
Tuesday and Wednesday: Lennox Suite

Food and Refreshments for Purchase

There are snacks and cold drinks for sale in the Strathblane Foyer (Monday and Thursday) and the Lennox Suite (Tuesday and Wednesday). Please note that these are payment by card only, and no cash accepted. Other restaurants are in within walking distance of the EICC, as well as a short walk away at Haymarket.