Pacifico Yokohama
    Yokohama, Japan
    19 - 21 April 2017
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    SPIE Structured Light 2017

    SPIE Structured Light 2017

    SPIE Technologies and Applications of Structured Light 2017 features the latest advances in optical trapping and manipulation, pulse and beam shaping, and the applications of structured optical fields. These novel optical techniques combine with microscopy, spectroscopy, and tomography on next-generation biomedical imaging.

    Structured Light 2017 is organized in two parallel conferences with some combined joint sessions: Optical Manipulation Conference (OMC'17) and Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference (BISC'17). These two conferences comprise the full spectrum of advanced structured light technologies and biomedical sensing and imaging applications.

    Two major conferences
    Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2017 4th Optical Manipulation Conference 2017

    OMC'17 Invited Speakers

    Alexander Stilgoe, Univ. of Queensland (Australia)
    Jaewook Ahn, KAIST, (Republic of Korea)
    Jesper Glückstad, DTU (Denmark)
    Martin J. Booth, Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Cornelia Denz, Univ. Muenster, Germany
    Lene Broeng Oddershede, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
    Shuntaro Tani, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)
    Gabriel Molina-Terriza, Macquarie Univ. (Australia)
    Hajime Ishihara, Osaka Prefecture Univ. (Japan)
    Stephen Simpson, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS (Czech Republic)

    BISC'17 Plenary Speaker

    Takeharu Nagai, Osaka Univ. (Japan)

    BISC'17 Invited Speakers

    Wen-Yih Tseng, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan)
    Myung K. Kim, Univ. of South Florida (USA)
    Kung-Bin Sung, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan)
    Tomonobu M. Watanabe, RIKEN QBiC (Japan)
    Marie Tabaru, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
    Noriko Hiroi, Keio Univ. (Japan)
    Hideharu Mikami, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)
    Ryoma Bise, National Institute of Informatics (Japan)
    Peter So, MIT (USA)
    Yoshiaki Yasuno, Tukuba University (Japan)
    Daniel McDuff, Microsoft Research, MIT Media Lab (USA)
    Enrique Tajahuerce,  Universitat Jaume I (Spain)
    Kai Wang, Chinese Academy of Science (China)
    Laurent Bourdieu, École Normale Supérieure (France)
    Yasushi Okada, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)
    Ryoichi Horisaki, Osaka Univ. (Japan)
    Yosuke Tamada, Natl. Inst. Basic Biol. (Japan)
    Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka Univ. (Japan)

    Part of

    OPIC 2017 logo
    Optics & Photonics International Congress 2017

    Symposium Chairs

    Takashige Omatsu
    Chiba Univ. (Japan)
    Toyohiko Yatagai
    Utsunomiya Univ. (Japan)
    Osamu Matoba
    Kobe Univ. (Japan)

    International Organizing Committee

    Kishan Dholakia, Univ. of St. Andrews (United Kingdom)
    Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, The Univ. of Queensland (Australia)
    Din Ping Tsai, Research Ctr. for Applied Sciences - Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
    Gert Von Bally, Westfälische Wilhelms-Univ. Münster (Germany)