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Assistant Professor

Brigitte Wex
Assistant Professor, Lebanese American University, Lebanon

How do you spend a typical day?
A typical day includes teaching, office hours, faculty meetings, and research. For me, research is the most interesting, challenging and rewarding part of my job. Under research, a whole array of tasks is integrated: writing proposals to obtain funding, instructing students, presenting my work at conferences, writing manuscripts for publications, and planning for materials and equipment necessary toward the next project. Apart from that, a typical day in this part of the world also includes a watchful eye on the news.

What (if anything) would you change?
It is a drastic change from being a post-doctoral fellow to being your own principal investigator. At the moment, I am setting up my research laboratory, developing courses and am involved in invigorating our Materials' research. As you can see, all of these activities amount to change. What I would wish for is a better understanding of the Lebanese culture and language.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career?
Think about what you really enjoy doing and what motivates you. Then find a job that will allow you to do this. Find out what is the worst part of that job and imagine you have to do this every day for the rest of your life. If you can do this and still find joy, it's the right job for you. Even in tough days then--that are encountered in any kind of job--your passion will carry you through and get you ahead.

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