Visit and contact US Congress

Contact Congress and take action today

Your voice makes a difference. Getting involved can be as simple as sending a letter or visiting your representatives. You may even want to consider a one-year fellowship in a congressional office or with the Department of State. Whatever pathway you choose, make sure that your representatives in the US House and Senate know how their decisions on key issues will impact you.

Current Congress information

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Congressional Visits Day

Join a meeting in Washington, DC

Participate in the US Congressional Visits Day (CVD), an annual event that brings scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington, DC, to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. As a member of the planning coalition, SPIE invites your participation.

Congressional Optics & Photonics Caucus

About the new caucus
The Optics & Photonics (O&P) Caucus is co-chaired by Representatives Morelle (D-NY) and Mast (R-FL), and Senators Sinema (D-AZ) and Daines (R-MT). The purpose of the caucus is to educate members of Congress and their staff regarding the importance of light-based research and technologies to the United States, as well as highlight the needs of this community.

The virtual launch
On 24 February 2021, the National Photonics Initiative hosted a virtual event to launch the O&P Caucus. The launch featured remarks from the four co-chairs and Administration officials and included a short Q&A session.

Request for your action
In support of the caucus, the National Photonics Initiative requests using the following letter template to send to your representatives in both the House and Senate (excluding the co-chairs), requesting they follow up about the launch event to learn more about the caucus and suggesting they join as a member.

As co-leaders of the National Photonics Initiative, SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and Optica have worked closely with Congress over the past year to establish this caucus. We are very excited about this new voice for the optics and photonics community, and look forward to your participation and support.

Download letter template