Past Officers of SPIE

SPIE would like to thank our distinguished Members who have served as Officers in previous years.

Bernard Kress, President
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Immediate Past President
Jennifer Barton, President-Elect
Peter de Groot, Vice President
Jim McNally, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, President
David Andrews, Immediate Past President
Bernard Kress, President-Elect
Jennifer Barton, Vice President
Jason Mulliner, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

David Andrews, President
John Greivenkamp, Immediate Past President
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, President-Elect
Bernard Kress, Vice President
Jason Mulliner, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

John Greivenkamp, President
Jim Oschmann, Immediate Past President
David Andrews, President-Elect
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Vice President
Jason Mulliner, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

Jim Oschmann, President
Maryellen Giger, Immediate Past President
John Greivenkamp, President-Elect
David Andrews, Vice President
Jason Mulliner, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

Maryellen Giger, President
Glenn Boreman, Immediate Past President
Jim Oschmann, President-Elect
John Greivenkamp, Vice President
Gary Spiegel, Secretary/Treasurer
Kent Rochford, C.E.O.

Glenn Boreman, President
Robert Lieberman, Immediate Past President
Maryellen Giger, President-Elect
Jim Oschmann, Vice President
Gary Spiegel, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Robert Lieberman, President
Toyohiko Yatagai, Immediate Past President
Glenn Boreman, President-Elect
Maryellen Giger, Vice President
Gary Spiegel, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Toyohiko Yatagai, President
H. Philip Stahl, Immediate Past President
Robert Lieberman, President-Elect
Glenn Boreman, Vice President
Gary Spiegel, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

H. Philip Stahl, President
William H. Arnold, Immediate Past President
Toyohiko Yatagai, President-Elect
Robert Lieberman, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

William H. Arnold, President
Eustace L. Dereniak, Immediate Past President
H. Philip Stahl, President-Elect
Toyohiko Yatagai, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Eustace L. Dereniak, President
Katarina Svanberg, Immediate Past President
William H. Arnold, President-Elect
H. Philip Stahl, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Katarina Svanberg, President
Ralph B. James, Immediate Past President
Eustace L. Dereniak, President-Elect
William Arnold, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Ralph B. James, President
Maria J. Yzuel, Immediate Past President
Katarina Svanberg, President Elect
Eustace L. Dereniak, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Maria J. Yzuel, President
Kevin Harding, Immediate Past President
Ralph B. James, President-Elect
Katarina Svanberg, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
John M. Pellegrino, Chair, Symposia Committee
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Kevin G. Harding, President
Brian Culshaw, Immediate Past President
Maria J. Yzuel, President-Elect
Ralph B. James, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
John M. Pellegrino, Chair, Symposia Committee
Eugene G. Arthurs, C.E.O.

Brian Culshaw, President
Paul F. McManamon, Immediate Past President
Kevin G. Harding, President-Elect
Maria J. Yzuel, Vice President
Brian Lula, Secretary/Treasurer
John M. Pellegrino, Chair, Symposia Committee
William A. Arnold, Chair, Publications Committee

Paul F. McManamon, President
Malgorzata Kujawinska, Immediate Past-President
Brian Culshaw, President-Elect
Kevin G. Harding, Vice President
Robert E. Fischer, Secretary/Treasurer
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Symposia Committee
William A. Arnold, Chair, Publications Committee

Malgorzata Kujawinska, President
James W. Bilbro, Immediate Past-President
Paul F. McManamon, Vice President
Brian Culshaw, Secretary
Robert E. Fischer, Treasurer
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Symposia Committee
William A. Arnold, Chair, Publications Committee

James W. Bilbro, President
Anthony J. DeMaria, Immediate Past-President
Malgorzata Kujawinska, Vice President
Paul F. McManamon, Secretary
Robert E. Fischer, Treasurer
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Symposia Committee
William A. Arnold, Chair, Publications Committee

Anthony J. DeMaria, President
James A. Harrington, Immediate Past President
James W. Bilbro, Vice-President
Gregory M. Sanger, Secretary
Robert E. Fischer, Treasurer
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Symposia Committee
William H. Arnold, Chair, Publications Committee

James A. Harrington, President
Richard B. Hoover, Immediate Past President
Anthony J. DeMaria, Vice President
Malgorzata Kujawinska, Secretary
Robert E. Fischer, Treasurer
James W. Bilbro, Chair, Symposia Committee
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Publications Committee

Richard B. Hoover, President
Donald C O'Shea, Immediate Past President
James A. Harrington, Vice President
James W. Bilbro, Secretary
Dean T. Hodges, Treasurer
Anthony J. DeMaria, Chair, Symposia Committee
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Publications Committee

Donald C. O'Shea, President
Paul Schenker, Immediate Past President
Richard B. Hoover, Vice President
Anthony J. DeMaria, Secretary
Charles N. DeMund, Treasurer
James A. Harrington, Chair, Symposia Committee
John E. Greivenkamp, Chair, Publications Committee

Paul Schenker, President
J. Roland Jacobsson, Immediate Past President
Donald C. O'Shea, Vice President
James A. Harrington, Secretary
Charles N. DeMund, Treasurer
Richard B. Hoover, Chair, Symposia Committee
John E. Greivenkamp, Chair, Publications Committee

J. Roland Jacobsson, President
M. J. Soileau, Immediate Past President
Paul Schenker, Vice President
Richard B. Hoover, Secretary
Charles N. DeMund, Treasurer
Donald C. O'Shea, Chair, Symposia Committee
James A. Harrington, Chair, Publications Committee

M. J. Soileau, President
Henri H. Arsenault, Immediate Past President
J. Roland Jacobsson, Vice President
Donald C. O'Shea, Secretary
Charles N. DeMund, Treasurer
Paul Schenker, Chair, Symposia Committee
James A. Harrington, Chair, Publications Committee

Henri H. Arsenault, President
Jack D. Gaskill, Immediate Past President
M. J. Soileau, Vice President
Paul Schenker, Secretary
Charles N. DeMund, Treasurer
J. Roland Jacobsson, Chair, Symposia Committee
Daniel Vukobratovich, Chair, Publications Committee

Jack D. Gaskill, President
James B. Breckinridge, Immediate Past President
Henri H. Arsenault, Vice President
M. J. Soileau, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
Eric Udd, Chair, Symposia Committee
Daniel Vukobratovich, Chair, Publications Committee

James B. Breckinridge, President
David P. Casasent, Immediate Past President
Jack D. Gaskill, Vice President
Henri H. Arsenault, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
M. J. Soileau, Chair, Symposia Committee
Paul R. Yoder, Chair, Publications Committee

David P. Casasent, President
Theodore T. Saito, Immediate Past President
James B. Breckinridge, Vice President
James E. Pearson, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
Jack D. Gaskill, Chair, Symposia Committee
Kanti Jain, Chair, Publications Committee

Theodore T. Saito, President
Robert A. Sprague, Immediate Past President
David P. Casasent, Vice President
Jack D. Gaskill, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
James B. Breckinridge, Chair, Symposia Committee
Kanti Jain , Chai, Publications Committee

Robert A. Sprague, President
Emery L. Moore, Immediate Past President
Theodore T. Saito, Vice President
James B. Breckinridge, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
David P. Casasent, Chair, Symposia Committee
Paul R. Yoder , Chair, Publications Committee

Emery L. Moore, President
William L. Wolfe, Immediate Past President
Robert A. Sprague, Vice President
Theodore T. Saito, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
James E. Pearson, Chair, Symposia Committee

William L. Wolfe, President
Harold E. Bennett, Immediate Past President
Emery L. Moore, Vice President
James E. Pearson, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
Robert A. Sprague, Chair, Symposia Committee

Harold E. Bennett, President
R. Barry Johnson, Immediate Past President
William L. Wolfe, Vice President
Robert A. Sprague, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
Emery L. Moore, Chair, Symposia Committee

R. Barry Johnson, President
James C. Wyant, Immediate Past President
Harold E. Bennett, Vice President
Emery L. Moore, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
William L. Wolfe, Chair, Symposia Committee

James C. Wyant, President
Lewis Larmore, Immediate Past President
R. Barry Johnson, Vice President
Emery L. Moore, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
William L. Wolfe, Chair, Symposia Committee

Lewis Larmore, President
Robert E. Fischer, Immediate Past President
James C. Wyant, Vice President
George O. Reynolds, Secretary
Thomas I. Harris, Treasurer
R. Barry Johnson, Chair, Symposia Committee

Robert E. Fischer, President
Warren E. Smith, Immediate Past President
Lewis Larmore, Vice President
George O. Reynolds, Secretary
William H. Price, Treasurer
R. Barry Johnson, Chair, Symposia Committee

Warren J. Smith, President
Richard J. Wollensack, Immediate Past President
Robert E. Fischer, Vice President
William H. Price, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
John M. Tracy, Chair, Symposia Committee

Richard J. Wollensack, President
Andrew G. Tescher, Immediate Past President
Warren J. Smith, Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Robert E. Fischer, Chair, Symposia Committee

Andrew G. Tescher, President
Robert R. Shannon, Immediate Past President
Richard J. Wollensack, Vice President
John F. Ebersole, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Robert E. Fischer, Chair, Symposia Committee

Robert R. Shannon, Immediate Past President
Joseph B. Houston, Immediate Past President
Andrew G. Tescher, Vice President
Allan H. Gott, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Andrew G. Tescher, Chair, Symposia Committee

Robert R. Shannon, President
Joseph B. Houston, Immediate Past President
Allan H. Gott, Vice President
H. John Caulfield, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Andrew G. Tescher, Chair, Symposium Committee

Joseph B. Houston, President
Brian J. Thompson, Immediate Past President
Robert R. Shannon, Vice President
H. John Caulfield, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Andrew G. Tescher, Chair, Symposium Committee

Joseph B. Houston, President
Brian J. Thompson, Immediate Past President
Lewis Larmore, Vice President
Allan H. Gott, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
H. John Caulfield, Vice President, Symposia Committee

Brian J. Thompson, President
Charles N. DeMund, Immediate Past President
Roderic M. Scott, Executive Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Allan H. Gott, Operations Vice President
H. John Caulfield, Symposia Vice President
Joseph B. Houston, Publications Vice President
Earle B. Brown, Technical Vice President
Paul F. Forman, Public Relations Vice President

Brian J. Thompson, President
Charles N. DeMund, Immediate Past President
Roderic M. Scott, Executive Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Allan H. Gott, Operations Vice President
Joseph B. Houston, Symposia Vice President
Earle B. Brown, Technical Vice President
Yale H. Katz, Publications Vice President
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Public Relations Vice President

Charles N. DeMund, President
Brian J. Thompson, Executive Vice President
Seymore Schreck, Secretary
Louis F. Meyer, Treasurer
J.E. Durrenberger, Operations Vice President
Yale H. Katz, Symposia Vice President
Sol Zwirn, Publications Vice President
Earle B. Brown, Technical Vice President
Richard Wollensak, Public Relations Vice President

Bernard G. Ponseggi, President
Charles N. DeMund, Executive Vice President
Joseph N. Day, Secretary
John Kiel, Treasurer
Seymore Schreck, Operations Vice President
Yale H. Katz, Symposia Vice President
Sol Zwirn, Publications Vice President
Clyde T. Holliday, Technical Vice President
Brian J. Thompson, Public Relations Vice President

Bernard G. Ponseggi, President
Charles N. DeMund, Executive Vice President
Seymore Schreck, Secretary
Albert M. Pezzuto, Treasurer
Joseph N. Day, Operations Vice President
Harold L. Kasnitz, Symposia Vice President
Sol Zwirn, Publications Vice President
Clyde T. Holliday, Technical Vice President
Brian J. Thompson, Public Relations Vice President

Eugene B. Turner, President
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Executive Vice President
A.J. Carr, Secretary
Fred M. Wallig, Treasurer
Fred M. Emens, Operations Vice President
Charles N. DeMund, Symposia Vice President
Harold L. Kasnitz, Publications Vice President
John H. Atkinson, Technical Vice President
Robert S. Scott, Public Relations Vice President

Steve R. Colletti, President
Eugene B. Turner, Executive Vice President
William C. Russell, Secretary
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Treasurer
Fred M. Emens, Operations Vice President
Charles N. DeMund, Symposia Vice President
Carl N. Brewster, Publications Vice President
Ben Kleinerman, Technical Vice President
Robert S. Scott, Public Relations Vice President

Robert P. Murkshe, President
Steve R. Colletti, Executive Vice President
Robert Minter, Operations Vice President
Eugene B. Turner, Secretary
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Treasurer
Fred M. Emens, Symposia Vice President
Carl N. Brewster, Publications Vice President
John H. Atkinson, Technical Vice President
Robert S. Scott, Public Relations Vice President

Robert P. Murkshe, President
Steve R. Colletti, Executive Vice President
Harold R. Shoppach, Operations Vice President
Robert Minter, Secretary
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Treasurer
Robert S. Scott, Symposia Vice President
Russell C. Bunting, Publications Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Technical Vice President
Carl N. Brewster, Public Relations Vice President

Robert P. Murray, President
Robert P. Murkshe, Executive Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Operations Vice President
Russell C. Bunting, Secretary
C.A. Jantzen, Treasurer
Steve R. Colletti, Symposia Vice President

Raymond F. Grant, President
Robert P. Murray, Executive Vice President
Robert P. Murkshe, Operations Vice President
J.E. Durrenberger, Secretary
Russell C. Bunting, Treasurer
Bernard G. Ponseggi, Symposia Vice President

John A. Clemente, President
Raymond F. Grant, Executive Vice President
Robert P. Murray, Operations Vice President
John C. Pennock, Secretary
Edward E. Rich, Treasurer
Robert P. Murkshe, Symposia Vice President

Robert L. Rodgers, President
John A. Clemente, Executive Vice President
Raymond F. Grant, Operations Vice President
John C. Pennock, Secretary
Robert P. Murray, Treasurer

Robert L. Rodgers, President
John A. Clemente, Executive Vice President
Chet R. Engvaldsen, Operations Vice President
Raymond F. Grant, Secretary
Robert P. Murray, Treasurer

E.L. Taylor, President
Robert L. Rodgers, Executive Vice President
John A. Clemente, Operations Vice President
R.C. Wheeler, Secretary
Raymond F. Grant, Treasurer

Stanley E. Baker, President
Robert L. Lawrence, Vice President
Robert L. Rodgers, Secretary
Raymond F. Grant, Treasurer

Robert L. Woltz, President
Stanley E. Baker, Vice President
E.L. Taylor, Secretary
David M. Stern, Treasurer

Charles E. Taylor, President
Charles M. Betty, Vice President
Stanley E. Baker, Secretary
Robert L. Woltz, Treasurer

Richard R. Councilman, President
Charles E. Taylor, Vice President
Charles M. Betty, Secretary
Stanley E. Baker, Treasurer

1955 Organizing Officers
Richard R. Councilman, President
Robert L. Minter, Vice President
Charles M. Betty, Secretary
Stanley E. Baker, Treasurer
Robert L. Woltz, Program Chairman