18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13147 > Paper 13147-11
Paper 13147-11

Phase screen modeling of vortex beam propagation through a turbid medium

20 August 2024 • 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 11B


Laser based applications leveraging coherent laser sources are subject to optical distortions created by random media containing particles with radii comparable to the optical wavelength. Light propagation through such media can be approached using statistical optics by the implementation of phase screen simulations. A phase screen represents a statistical realization of the optical phase shifts accumulated during propagation derived from a medium’s optical phase power spectrum. The phase power spectrum of a turbid medium is connected to the medium’s particle distribution by the medium’s volume scattering function using radiative transfer theory. Such a model is limited to small-angle forward scattering and small propagation geometries to prevent aliasing by high angle scattered light. Using this relationship, the statistics of the generated phase screens are studied and applied to the propagation of optical vortex beams through turbid water. Experimental orbital angular momentum mode spectrum measurements and intensity attenuation data are presented showing good agreement with the model.


Naval Air Warfare Ctr. Aircraft Div. (United States)
Dr. Ferlic works at Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division in Patuxent River, MD studying structured light propagation through the atmosphere and ocean for remote sensing applications. He graduated from University of Maryland, College Park in 2022 studying electrical engineering.
Naval Air Warfare Ctr. Aircraft Div. (United States)