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16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13103 > Paper 13103-13
Paper 13103-13

Developing scalable transition-edge sensor readout through the nonlinear kinetic inductance effect for future IR/O/UV instrumentation

16 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G213, North - 2F


Here, we introduce the kinetic inductance current sensor (KICS), a novel readout technology based on the nonlinear current dependence of the kinetic inductance in a superconductor. The KICS takes the form of a superconducting resonator with small cross-section inductor, and current input from a TES or similar device causes shifts in the resonant frequency, enabling a sensitive measurement of the TES current. Additionally, the KICS makes use of a superconducting switch, which is used to trap a persistent current in the resonator, reducing noise and bias line pickup and enabling nearly arbitrary frequency tunability. We demonstrate the KICS through the readout of a TES optimized for 1550 nm photon detection, where we measure a resolving power, R, above 5, already matching the performance of a conventional SQUID readout of the same device.


Paul Szypryt
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
Paul Szypryt is a research physicist within the NIST Quantum Sensors Division. He joined NIST as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in 2017 and was awarded the NASA Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowship (RTF) in 2022. Early in his career at NIST, he developed transition-edge sensor (TES) based x-ray instrumentation for the NIST electron beam ion trap (EBIT) and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). Additionally, he helped to develop a novel tomography tool to three-dimensionally map integrated circuits with nanoscale features, an instrument that utilizes the largest superconducting spectrometer built to date. More recently, his research has focused on utilizing superconducting resonators in support of precision measurements. This includes using thermal kinetic inductance detectors (TKIDs) for charged particle detection and the novel kinetic inductance current sensor for TES readout, with potential applications in exoplanet atmosphere spectroscopy.
Paul Szypryt
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
Douglas A. Bennett
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
Joseph W. Fowler
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
Jiansong Gao
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States), Theiss Research (United States)
Adriana E. Lita
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
Michael R. Vissers
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
Jordan D. Wheeler
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)